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Exporting quality flowers worldwide by air is what we do!

Fresh flowers and plants
Worldwide export by air
Directly from growers

Vimex Flower

Located in the heart of the floral industry in Holland; Alsmeer. Vimex Flower is YOUR non-stop shop for importing fresh flowers and plants by air. We are fully specialized in packing flowers for air-shipments.

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  • Wide selection of flowers
  • No destination is too far

No destination is too far for Vimex Flower to deliver beautiful fresh-cut flowers and plants from Holland. Our customer base includes: The Middle East, Asia, America and the Caribbean.

Daily we arrange flights to all destinations worldwide, facilitated by our partnerships with top expeditors, airlines, and clearing companies. We make sure your flowers are transported as fast and safe as possible.

Ready to start buying
from Vimex Flower?

We are buying our flowers directly from Dutch growers, from growers worldwide and all flower auctions in the Netherlands. Explore our webshop: offering a wide selection of flowers, plants, and accessories, accessible 24/7.

We prioritize personalized customer service and are dedicated to meeting your needs wherever you are. Connect with us today for a tailored experience.

vimex flower

Vimex Flower B.V.
Legmeerdijk 313 (143-59)
1431GB Aalsmeer

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